Choosing the paper for your greeting card, letterpress printed package, wedding invitation or greeting can be overwhelming. There are a lot of factors to consider: weight, color, feel, surface smoothness etc. We’ll learn what to look for when choosing paper, and discuss the importance of using high-performing packaging. Continue reading →
Most business owners require custom packaging. They have no idea how to choose the right solution. There are so many packages that they don’t know which ones would fit best to their products. The key is to understand more about each type and to find the best combination for your business.
With the plethora of paper options available for printing, it’s tough to narrow down your choices. Most people are familiar with the different weights of paper, but what about the other properties that can make a difference in how your project and end product look?
The way you choose to design your packaging will help consumers differentiate between your products and other similar products and assist you in building brand recognition over time. Product packaging is all about marketing.

Before You Begin
One of the most important things to remember when choosing the right custom product packaging is to understand your target audience. After all, they are the people you want to invest in your creation.
First, work through or remind yourself of your company’s fundamentals:
- Your brand’s vision and values
- Whom your product is marketed to?
- How do you want to be perceived?
5 Questions To Ask
When choosing a package, one of the critical decisions about the production of the product is which specific box to select. This choice has a significant impact on the final look and feel of your product. Ask yourself these 5 questions:
Question 1: What are the dimensions of your product?
Your product must fit in the package. Without knowing the exact dimensions, it is impossible to make a package with the right dimensions and the right shape.

Question 2: How heavy is your product?
Similar to your product’s dimensions of the product, the weight of your product is going to affect the structure and materials. For example, if your product is heavy, you may need corrugated paper rather than a folding carton to ensure that everything stays in place.

Question 3: Where will you store it until you use it?
If you think the paper might be exposed to extreme temperatures, rain or dampness, then you should use a package that is resistant to these things.

Question 4: Is this a one-time use box, or something you’re going to use repeatedly?
You’re going to want a different box for packaging that’s used often (such as a box of cards) versus packaging that’s used just once (such as a box for shipping). Your answer to this question helps to establish the structure and the substrates (materials) that make up the basis of your packaging design.

Question 5: What are my competitors doing?
It’s a good idea to look at strong brand contenders in your industry to see what they’re doing with their packaging, not to steal their design but to identify some key features that make their packaging so effective

Whether you are a designer, entrepreneur or creator of any kind, it is important to introduce your ideas and messages to the world using efficient, modern and unique packaging.
All in all, the packaging is a part of the business that most people don’t think too much about. But it’s a major part of your product and can alter the way your customer perceives it.
We will help you choose the right package for your unique idea.